Today's Galactic Signature


The Beauty Project

White Planetary Dog
Moon 4 Day 28

It has begun... the beauty project has been initiated, get ready to charge this planet with the beauty of the stars... it's already in sync!  WE are resonators, reflecting and MAGNIFYING the beauty of nature, lets cultivate love and beauty so that the energy will be felt by ALL!

Here is a short video I made to help us align with beauty and fill ourselves with it... this toning bell has a buddha engraved in the inside of it, very sacred and beautiful. It was made as spiritual technology to fill any space (including all energetic forms) with the vibrations of buddha, we can use it with any intention, here we're using the intention of beauty... Everything is energy! Our forms are energy, always vibrating.. we can change our vibrations and our form.. Watch your form become beautiful!   Watch the space around you become beautiful!

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