Today's Galactic Signature


Salt Springs (White Electric Mirror)

Salt Springs has treated me well... I plan to head off tommarow morning... My Japanese friend Ashskull said she wants to go with me to Singing Alive... I have 2 days to get there.. it should be easy breezy.... Last night, I stayed @ Sally Sunshine's house and we watch a video of rainbow from Arizona 10 years ago... I saw David Star, Glowing Feather and many other familiar faces... it was really fun talking about rainbow and all the good and bad things going on in our world... It's a really good scene here in Salt Spring...

Rainbow has affected this world SOO MUCH!!! It's so amazing!!! It creates SOO much freedom for our spirits and minds!!! So many people motivated by love and beauty, NOT MONEY! Competition and material gain are NOT the only motivaters in this world... When we work for love for people we love it creates such amazing magic and beauty... Its time to WORK FOR LOVE!!!! working for money is shutting down spirits and destroying the environment that sustains us... Work for the whole and the whole works for us! WE have much abundance!
The times are changing and WE ARE THE CHANGE WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR!